Interview with Jennifer Price

By: Charlotte Field—February 2021 From a professional ballerina to a respected Bonsai Pro, Jennifer Price totally enjoys her life’s journey. As she shares her thoughts, I found her to be an honest, devoted, sincere person totally at ease with life, herself and The Art of Bonsai. Over 11 years ago she saw her first bonsai and she bought it. She didn’t have a real connection with it, just thought it was a pretty tree. I asked her if she still had it, and like most of us she said…

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February 2021 Message from the President

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Good news! Wednesday, February 3rd, will be our first meeting of the year. You may participate it from the comfort of your home. It will be a Zoom meeting. The Zoom link to the meeting will be emailed to you well before the meeting. I’m sure a lot of you have been working from home and are familiar with Zoom. Or Skype. Or Microsoft Meet Now, which uses Skype. We are planning to do this every month and, possibly, occasionally, more often. On to dues! Membership dues become due…

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