Things to do in December

Outdoor: All trees should now be tucked away in their winter housing.  Be sure to water as needed while in winter storage.  Do not fertilize.  Wiring should be checked carefully and tight wires removed if not yet done.  Many trees seem to have put on an exceptional amount of girth this season, so be sure to thoroughly check the wires. Do not repot at this time. Indoor:  All indoor trees should now be indoors. Be sure to water as needed.  The watering needs may differ from when the trees were…

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Helpful Hints from our Members

This column is about the quirky, out-of-the-box little things we do that help us pursue our beloved hobby. Each month, depending on how many ideas I receive from you, our members, we will print a couple of them. If it helps you, others may find it useful too. You may do something with your tools, wintering or exhuming your trees in the spring, getting ready for a show, your pots, or general maintenance. Anything that helps you with some facet of bonsai. We all read about how to do…

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President’s Message December 2022

Board Changes  We have made some changes to the Board of Directors in the past month.  Dani Fogarty has agreed to take over the vacant position of Publicity Director.  The Board voted him into that position during the October Board Meeting.  Dani has a film and video editing background and is a motion graphics animator.  I admit I am not sure what that means, but I can summarize it by saying that he knows his way around the computer and social media better than the rest of us.  He…

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