Message from the President – November 2023

President’s Letter for November 2023 Naperville Free Speech Event On Sunday, October 22nd, a group of us assembled at the pavilion across from the library on the Naperville Riverwalk.  We set up tables to display trees, while others set up on the picnic tables to work on trees they brought along.  This was the date of the Naperville half marathon in the downtown area, so we set up after the race around noon until about 5 PM. We had many people strolling by as the day was very pleasant. …

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Things to do in November – 2023

Outdoor: Be ready to put your trees into winter protection as soon as the weather dictates. A night temperature of 25°F is a good reference point for when the trees need protection. Remove the remaining foliage on deciduous trees and any weeds or debris on the soil before placing the trees into winter protection. Spraying with a general fungicide can be beneficial. Keep your trees well watered. The trees will use less water in the current cooler temperatures. Fertilization may be stopped at this point. Do not repot except…

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