Tree of the Month – February 2023

Winter Jasmine
(Jasminum nudiflorum)

This deciduous tree is native to northern China and can grow over sixteen feet tall. (Samson, 96) In winter, bright yellow flowers appear on bare branches between January and March, followed by tiny dark green leaves. (Tomlinson, 74) Style: Informal Upright, Slanted, Cascade, Semi-cascade, Root Over Rock, Exposed Root, Clump, Multi-trunk.

Summer Placement:  Place in a sunny position but keep shaded from the full summer sun.

Winter Placement:  Protect from hard frosts.

Watering: Daily in summer. Keep moist at all times.

Feeding: Two to three times a month from the end of flowering through late summer. 

Wiring: After flowering. Branches are fragile, so protect the bark. 

Pruning:  In late spring, prune one set of leaves. Prune again in the fall to three or four sets of leaves.

Repotting Season: Every 1-2 years, preferably in the fall after leaf fall or early spring.

Soil Mix: Basic soil mix.

Container: Glazed