President’s Message April 2022

Our April meeting, on April 6th, will be our second in-person, live meeting, since COVID forced us to have Zoom meetings. The College of Dupage it will be in Room TEC 103B. Check for details here:

Your dues are overdue!

Membership dues became due on March 1st. You can now payyour  dues through our website. Here’s the link:

You can still print out and mail in the membership form. There is a link to the PDF of the membership form at the bottom of the above page.

Lastly, our meeting next week will include the biennial election of our board. This will be both easy and hard to do. Easy, because every body currently on the board has declared that they are willing to remain in their current jobs.

Hard to do because the current president, me, who volunteered to do the job during the virus’s viral interference with us all, needs to retire from the position. However, our club’s chairman in charge of publicity, Craig Cronquist, has volunteered for the job. I expect all members attending the meeting, either in person or via Zoom, to vote Craig in. We can vote the rest of the board back in as the pro forma thing to do.

As I said last month, it’s been great doing the job, both during the crisis and several years ago. I look forward to aiding and abetting the new person in charge.

Thanks for allowing me the privilege of having done the job.

–Dean Cooper