Outdoor: This is a time to be preparing for the coming winter. Decide where and how you will protect your trees; mulch bed, cold storage house, cold greenhouse, etc. Acquire any needed materials now so you are not caught without needed supplies when it is time to store the trees. Keep trees outdoors on cool fall nights. Do not bring winter-hardy trees indoors. Adjust watering to the changing temperatures. The soil is likely to stay damp longer on cool days, particularly cloudy days. Fertilization with a very low nitrogen formula may continue or may be stopped. Light pruning can be done, but heavy pruning is not recommended. Keep an eye on the wiring and remove any that are becoming tight. Repotting may be done in emergency situations only.
Indoor: All tropical trees should be brought indoors when outdoor night temperatures are in the 50s. It is best to have them in their winter locations 2 to 4 weeks before the furnace begins regular operation in Chicagoland, that is, around September 15. Regular watering needs to continue. Trees at windows or under fluorescent lights may be given fertilizer. Pruning and wiring may be done. Repotting is not advised at this time.
Works Cited
Editor. (Volume X, Number 9, 2003, October). Things To Do
This Month. Bonsai Hai . Prairie State Bonsai Society