Acting President’s Message

Acting President’s Message

Welcome to 2022. Hopefully, we will return to reasonably normal life this year. We will be having a ZOOM meeting in February. Then the plan is to be back to “in-person” meetings after that.

We will be holding the Silhouette Show at Cantigny on February 12th. This is our first event in over a year.  We will be notifying you of any changes to the Covid Protocol that may be made in the coming weeks. This is a chance to show off the tree structure of your favorite tree (or trees). Please call Nick at 630-479-2112 if you would like to display a tree at the show. The last show was very successful with many good-looking trees.

The PSBS board needs your help. We have not held an election for 5 years now and it is time for some fresh faces. Look at the positions on the board pick a spot that you would like and volunteer to help. No experience is needed. We have on-the-job training. You need not take leadership of that function, but you can volunteer to assist. Note none of the positions require bonsai skills, just the desire to help the club grow. I was elected president without ever having been on the board or knowing what I got myself into. (a lot of fun, some new friends, and the satisfaction of helping the club.) Please consider joining the Board the returning board members will be very helpful in getting you up to speed.

Jim Beck
Acting President


PSBS election

The election of the new board is scheduled for the March general meeting. This will be for a 2-year term. The board positions are listed below. The ones without an*or with double * are the ones for which we most need a volunteer. You can also sign up to be an assistant for any of the positions.

President – Lead meetings Check on the other board members and provide help

Recording Secretary*—Writes up the minutes of board meetings.

Programs**—Organizes programs for regular monthly meetings.

Special Events**—Organizes yearly picnic, yearly Arboretum show, etc.

Publicity*—Oversees Facebook page, ads for the yearly show, etc.

Treasurer—Oversees our treasure, i.e., our checking account, pays bills.

Membership*—Maintains membership database, currently in MS Access.

Newsletter*—Assembles monthly newsletter. Currently uses Adobe Acrobat. Will soon switch to newsletter function on the website.

Website*—Maintains our website. Modifies as needed.

Member at Large-Represent general membership, help others as needed.

* Current board member will return for another term but need an assistant.

** current board member will assist.