President’s Message February 2023

President's Letter for February 2023 Off to a Great Start for 2023! Our first General Membership Meeting is set for February 1st. We will view and discuss the comments, suggestions, and criticisms of the trees entered in the Morton Arboretum Destination Asia Festival show last August. Our guest artist for the event was Chris Baker, the curator of the Chicago Botanic Garden bonsai collection. I had never been present for the review of the displayed trees before, and I was not sure what to expect. I was struck by…

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Things to do in December

Outdoor: All trees should now be tucked away in their winter housing.  Be sure to water as needed while in winter storage.  Do not fertilize.  Wiring should be checked carefully and tight wires removed if not yet done.  Many trees seem to have put on an exceptional amount of girth this season, so be sure to thoroughly check the wires. Do not repot at this time. Indoor:  All indoor trees should now be indoors. Be sure to water as needed.  The watering needs may differ from when the trees were…

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Helpful Hints from our Members

This column is about the quirky, out-of-the-box little things we do that help us pursue our beloved hobby. Each month, depending on how many ideas I receive from you, our members, we will print a couple of them. If it helps you, others may find it useful too. You may do something with your tools, wintering or exhuming your trees in the spring, getting ready for a show, your pots, or general maintenance. Anything that helps you with some facet of bonsai. We all read about how to do…

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President’s Message December 2022

Board Changes  We have made some changes to the Board of Directors in the past month.  Dani Fogarty has agreed to take over the vacant position of Publicity Director.  The Board voted him into that position during the October Board Meeting.  Dani has a film and video editing background and is a motion graphics animator.  I admit I am not sure what that means, but I can summarize it by saying that he knows his way around the computer and social media better than the rest of us.  He…

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President’s Message for November 2022

A Look Back and a Look Ahead   The pandemic made the years 2020 and 2021 challenging to keep PSBS alive and active, even holding some Zoom meetings at the end of 2021.  But there was nothing like beginning to see one another’s faces in person again on the first Wednesday of the month, beginning in March with the Mini Bonsai workshop presented by Linda and BC Bonsai.  My Japanese Wisteria is still growing and is 18” tall.  Seeing someone actually do what is being discussed is always my…

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Read more about the article Tree of the Month – November 2022
Parent and child style cork bark Japanese black pine. Photo courtesy of the U.S. National Arboretum.

Tree of the Month – November 2022

Parent and child style cork bark Japanese black pine. Photo courtesy of the U.S. National Arboretum. You can check out the cork bark bonsai above at the National Bonsai and Penjing Museum. It is in a parent and child style configuration that has been in training since 1980, when two prunnings from another cork bark pine bonsai in the Museum’s collections were grafted to a Japanese black pine rootstock. The trees represent a mature parent tree in the wild that has given rise to a younger succession which has…

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Things to do in November 2022

Outdoor: The trees will need to be moved to a wintering area this month. If you need any supplies such as mulch, heater, or shelving, you should acquire them very soon. Have everything ready so you can put the trees away quickly if needed. Do not bring trees indoors on chilly nights. Be sure to water as needed both before winterizing your trees and while they are in winter storage. Do not fertilize. Remove leaves from deciduous trees and fruit or seeds before putting the trees into the wintering…

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Protect your Semi-Hardy

As winter is soon to be here, it is time for the semi-hardy trees to go into protection. This usually is around the end of October.  Read helpful hints on how serval senior members protect their semi-hardy trees.Some of the trees that are semi-hardy and cannot withstand a Chicago winter are:Japanese UmeSatsuki AzaleaChinese ElmCedar ElmPomegranateCoast RedwoodHarland BoxwoodKingsville BoxwoodOliveTrident MapleThe club recommends that for these trees you:Keep these trees stored in a cold house, garage, or other protected areaStore them in an area that does not get colder than 20…

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Tree of the Month – October 2022

FEATURED TREE Hornbeam (carpinus) Type: This genus has approximately twenty-five species from Europe, central eastern Asia, and North America. They are deciduous trees or shrubs with simple, toothed, and alternating leaves. The bark may be smooth or scaly, gray or gray-green dependent on the species.  They are fairly undemanding and take pruning well. (Girogi, 83) Style: Hornbeams are usually grown as informal upright trees. They are also grown in groves or group plantings, root on or over rock, slanting and semi-cascade styles. (Owen, 29) (Samson, 66-67) Summer Placement: Partial shade in…

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President’s Message for October 2022

President’s Letter for October 2022 As a Board, we are winding down on 2022 but also gearing up for a great 2023. There are three meetings remaining in the year, with Jennifer Price kicking off the series with a penjing planting on a marble slab on October 5th.  Jennifer, in her role as Programs Director, is also in the process of lining up an interesting speaker for the November meeting.  And finally, we plan a casual and fun meeting with our friends and colleagues in bonsai at the Christmas…

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