Things to do in March 2024

THINGS TO DO THIS MONTHOutdoor: The situation here is the same as it was last month. Leave trees in winter for protection and water as needed. Do not fertilize. Deciduous trees and pines may be wired. If your trees can be moved, you may bring them indoors for up to eight hours for work. Be aware of possible flooding in in-ground cold frames.Indoor: Sunlight has been scarce lately, so be sure to give indoor trees as much light as possible. Trees at windowsills could use some supplemental artificial light…

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Methods to Increase Trunk Diameter

Ground growing optionsIf you want ABS show quality trees with out spending hundreds or thousand of dollars, growing your own trees may be the way to go. If you are willing to put the time and effort in you can grow a tree with good taper and ramification at home. In this article I will discuss the various options to start growing trees to increase trunk diameter. In future articles we will explore the pruning process to create taper over the years and balance energy distribution in the foliage…

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Tree of the Month – February 2024

Dwarf Barbados Cherry (holly leaf)Malpighia glabra The Barbados Cherry is a beautiful, flowering tree that makes a stunning bonsai. Native to tropical America, the Barbados Cherry is an evergreen with glossy, dark green leaves and bright red fruits. The Barbados Cherry prefers full sun to partial shade and moist, well-drained soil. The Barbados cherry has a high vitamin content and is a delicious fruit. This bright red berry has a really nice appearance in the garden when it starts to grow. Roots from Barbados cherry can be transferred to other countries via…

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Things to do in February 2024

Indoor: The mid-winter time period can be a crucial time for your indoor bonsai. This is often a period when there are many more cloudy days than sunny ones and trees at windows are receivingvery low light levels. These trees will be doing little, if any, growing.  There also may be some yellowing or dropping of leaves due to the low light. Do not fertilize trees that are placed at windows. Also be aware that there can be cold drafts through the glass itself. You mayneed to move these…

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Message from the President – February 2025

It’s a brand new year!It is time to begin the year, which we hope to make one of the best ever for PSBS. A few minor adjustments have been discussed below, but we hope to have a great year, displaying great trees and spreading the club’s name throughout the Chicago area.We are on the move for a few months.For the first four meetings of the year, our General Membership meetings will move from our typical location in the TEC Building to the Homeland Security Education Center (HEC) next door…

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Tree of the Month – December 2023

The ginkgo is a deciduous tree with fan shaped leaves and a columnar silhouette in younger years, getting broader with age. The tree is indigenous to China and is considered a living fossil, dating back 270 million years. On young trees the bark is light grey and on old trees dark grey and furrowed. Some old trees produce so-called „Chichi“, hanging swellings reminding of stalactites. The largest and oldest ginkgo trees are found in China, some of them are more than 40 m (130ft) tall and approximately 4,000 years old.…

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Things to do in December – 2023

Outdoor: All trees should now be tucked away in their winter housing.  Be sure to water as needed while in winter storage.  Do not fertilize.  Wiring should be checked carefully and tight wires removed if not yet done.  Many trees seem to have put on an exceptional amount of girth this season, so be sure to thoroughly check the wires. Do not repot at this time. Indoor:  All indoor trees should now be indoors. Be sure to water as needed.  The watering needs may differ from when the trees were outdoors,…

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Message from the President – December 2023

It is Party Time! On Wednesday, December 6th, we will have our Christmas Party at the usual time but at a new venue.  Larry Magee has volunteered to host the party at his home in Wayne, located just south of Army Trail Road, West of IL Route 59 and East of IL Route 25.  More details about the location are elsewhere in the newsletter. As we have for decades, we will have a White Elephant exchange for those who bring a wrapped present, preferably related to bonsai and still in usable…

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Field Grown Maples 2023 Study

Just how much better do plants grown in the ground than other methods? Initial plants were air layered maples purchased from the Midwest August show that were approximately 20 inches tall at the start with a trunk circumference of 4cm to 4.5cm . Sample one was grown in a wide plastic pot grown with a combination of compost and bonsai soil in partial shade. Tree had 4 new upright growths. Sample two was grown in a wide plastic seed tray with a combination of compost and bonsai soil in…

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Bonsai Winter Storage for IL/WI border

If you get caught off guard by a quick freeze and do not have enough time to get your plants to their winter quarters or only need protection for a day or two, simply lower bonsai under there summer stands and if needed drape plastic or a tarp over the stand.  ConifersI store my conifers in two different locations.  Trees that are in development are in my garden in a layer of mulch. A building blocks the wind from the north, and I planted asparagus to act as a…

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