Club Exhibitions

Annual Bonsai Show – Morton Arboretum

August 4 – 6, 2023

2023 - Best in Show

Douglas Fir 

Dan Turner

2023 - The People's choice

Chinese Elm

Phil Mahliot

The top ten People’s Choice after all 2194 votes were tallied

  1.   Phil Mahliot Chinese Elm (People’s Choice)
  2.   Matt Mazza Ficus Benjamin V. Kik
  3.   Phil Mahliot Juniper (Japanese Garden)
  4.   Dan Turner Rose/Pyracantha Three Point Display
  5.   Badar Zulqarni Chinese Elm Penjing Forest
  6.   Matt Mazza Trident Maple
  7.   Jim Erlenborn Azalea Tree
  8.   Dennis Talag Dwarf Jade
  9.   MaryAnn Trzyna Bouganvillea
  10.   Dennis Talag Dwarf Jade
Phil Mahliot Chinese Elm
People's Choice - First Place
Matt Mazza Ficus Benjamin V. Kiki
People's Choice - Second Place
Phil Mahliot Chinese Elm
People's Choice - Third Place
Dan Turner Rose/Pyracantha Three Point Display
People's Choice - Fourth Place
Badar Zulqarni Chinese Elm Penjing Forest
People's Choice - Fifth Place
Matt Mazza Trident Maple
People's Choice - Sixth Place
Jim Erlenborn Azalea Tree
People's Choice - Seventh Place
Dennis Talag Dwarf Jade
People's Choice - Eighth Place
MaryAnn Trzyna Bouganvillea
People's Choice - Ninth Place
Dennis Talag Dwarf Jade
People's Choice - Tenth Place
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Guest Judge - Mark Fields

Mark Fields Sunday Demonstration
A special thanks from Nick DiBattista to all our volunteers for the show, you are the ones that made the show a success.  thanks again!
PK, Mary Ann Trzyna, Steve Fluett, Joe Mullin, Lori Nalefski, Veronica T, Badar Zulqarni, Jason Davids, Philip Diamond, Lyman, Dennis Talag, Katlin, John Comastro, Charlotte Field, Craig Cronquist, Bill Imlah and Rob MacKenzie.  I apologize if there was anyone else I missed.

2022 Best of Show

Lodgepole Pine
Jennifer Price

2022 People's Choice

Japanese White Pine Dan Turner

Annual Bonsai Show - Morton Arboretum

August 5 - 7, 2022

Bonsai Silhouette Show – Cantigny Park

Saturday, February 15, 2020 

Bonsai Silhouette Show – Cantigny Park

Saturday, February 12, 2022

The 2nd annual PSBS Winter Silhouette Bonsai Exhibit was held on Saturday, February 12, 2022, at Cantigny Park in Wheaton, IL.

A Silhouette exhibit displays the bonsai without leaves and may seem a little strange, but it is a great time to see the trees’ structure and especially the ramification.  Both members and non-members displayed their deciduous trees in the natural winter stage of development.   The event was free to attend, but the park collects $5 per vehicle.

Annual Bonsai Show – Morton Arboretum

August 2 – August 4, 2019

This forest style Alberta Spruce, by James Keith was chosen by visiting artist Dana Quattlebaum for the Best of Show Award at the 2019 Prairie State Bonsai Society Bonsai Exhibition held at the Morton Arboretum.

2019 Annual Bonsai Show at the Morton Arboretum

Morton Arboretum played host to the Prairie State Bonsai Show in August of 2019.  It was a great weekend with great weather and a great turn out.  Below is video footage of the August 2019 Prairie State Bonsai Society Show at the Destination Asia Festival at the Morton Arboretum in Glen Ellyn, Illinois.

2019 Best of Show

2019 Best of Show

Jim's Alberta Spruce Forest

2019 People's Choice

Bay's Sekka Hinoki Cypress Forest

2018 Best of Show

Aman's Spruce semi-cascade

2018 People's Choice

Victor's Satsuki Azalea

2017 Best of Show

Arlene's Privet cascade

2017 People's Choice

Bryan's Bald Cypress forest

2016 Best of Show

Phil's American Larch

2016 People's Choice

Jim's Kingsville Boxwoods on a rock

2016 ABS Award for Indigenous Species

Mark's Black Hills Spruce

2015 Best of Show

Victor's Red Pine

2015 People's Choice

Club/Phil's Chinese Elm Penjing

2014 Best of Show & People's Choice

Mark's Larch Forest

2013 Best of Show

Phil's Scots Pine

2013 People's Choice

Arlene's Ficus forest

2012 People's Choice

Dan's Pyracantha

2011 People's Choice

Jim's Boxwoods on a rock

2010 People's Choice

Phil's Juniper on a rock

2009 People's Choice

Mark's Larch Forest