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August General Meeting – Tropical Presentation by David Cutchin
August 4, 2021 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

David Cutchin is a 6th generation Floridian and a 2nd generation bonsai professional and grower. Born and raised in the Florida panhandle David moved to central Florida in 2011 to study horticulture at UF following an 11 year career with the Forest Service. This is also when he met David & Linda VanBuskirk of DL Nursery and began training to be a bonsai professional while simultaneously learning how to manage a multi-decades old growing operation. In 2016 David became a student of Ryan Neil of Bonsai Mirai where he concentrated on technical application and design. Bridging the historically self-taught bonsai application of the southeast and the technical mastery of the west really pushed David to a greater appreciation of the art form and nuances in his home state. With Florida being the most diverse state in the US to practice bonsai, and his nursery centrally located, it has allowed him the opportunity to deploy many stylistic approaches across many horticultural applications. Currently in his 10th year, David teaches temperate, sub-tropical, and tropical cultivation through DL Nursery and Mirai Live, as well as clubs and individuals across the United States.