January 2023 Board Meeting
Jan 10, 2023, 07:00 All members are welcome to join via ZOOM
Jan 10, 2023, 07:00 All members are welcome to join via ZOOM
Join us for the first meeting of 2023! We will view the official club video from the Destination Asia show and open the floor to discuss the show. As always, feel free to bring any trees you need advice from other members! REMINDER: If you ordered club shirts or hats, you could pick them up […]
The 3rd annual PSBS Winter Silhouette Bonsai Exhibit is at Cantigny Park in Wheaton, IL. A Silhouette exhibit displays the bonsai without leaves which may seem a little strange, but it is a great time to see the trees’ structure, especially the ramification. The exhibit will last one day on Saturday, February 18, 2022, […]
Our March Meeting will be a ZOOM presentation by Chris Consenza on Tanuki or Phoenix grafting. Meetings are held on the first Wednesday from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm at The College of Dupage campus in the TEC 1038b. The college address is 425 Fawell Boulevard, Glen Ellyn, Illinois. Members who are unable to attend in […]
March 7, 2023 – Meeting of the Board To join log in to your account and navigate to Board Meetings under the Members Section
Bryan Lorentzen, a member of the Milwaukee Bonsai Society, is hosting a Yamadori dig on April 1st, 2023, and has invited our club to attend. He was walking in the woods near the Boerner Botanical garden three years ago. The Milwaukee Public Schools own the woods. He came across a large group of burning bushes. […]
Forest Planting Hands-on Workshop Jim Beck and Linda Camp are leading a forest planting hands-on workshop for our March 2023 General Meeting. The cost of the workshop is $60 for a five-tree planting and $80 for a seven-tree planting. Additional trees will be available for $10 each. Species available are Dawn Redwood, Trident Maples, Japanese […]
April 11, 2023 - Meeting of the Board To join, log into your account and navigate to Board Meetings under the Members Section.
Air Layering and Grafting Presentation by Mark Fields The information below was taken from Mark Fields’ website. My passion for bonsai began at about age 9. I was born in 1959 and raised in Indianapolis, Indiana. My dad was a landscape contractor, as I am today. My […]
May 9, 2023 - Meeting of the Board To join, log into your account and navigate to Board Meetings under the Members Section.