Showing a Tree

We ask every member to look over their trees and choose one (or two or three) to display in the judged portion of the bonsai show at the Destination Asia Festival at Morton Arboretum.  The general rule is that members can show up to three trees for judging and additional trees on the Trees in Training tables.

It is important to emphasize that your trees need not be “perfect” to display in the show.  First, no trees are perfect.  Secondly, one of the important aspects of showing the tree is that the two judges, Chris Baker of Chicago Botanic Garden and Jennifer Price from our club, will offer suggestions and comments to guide you in improving your tree. Any Trees in Training are at a preliminary stage in development as a bonsai.  Most importantly, showing a tree is fun!  The people viewing the show comment that they think every tree is amazing.  We should mention that Chris was our judge two years ago and he made nothing but positive comments about the trees in the show.

Click Here to view Chris Baker’s Judging Criteria  


Trees should be delivered to the Sycamore Room, across from the Morton Arboretum’s Visitor Center, from 1:00 PM to 7:00 PM on Friday, August 2nd.  Tell the gate attendant that you are delivering a tree for the bonsai show and you will be allowed in for free.  You can temporarily park along the curb near the Sycamore Room to unload if needed.  If you need to make special arrangements to deliver your tree, please contact Craig Cronquist, Event Chairman, as shown below.


The show will be from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM on Saturday, August 3rd, and Sunday, August 4th. Eight workshops are offered during the weekend, and four demonstrations are scheduled in the courtyard across from the Sycamore Room. See other articles for details.


Chris will judge, and Chris and Jennifer will commentate at approximately 5:00 PM on Saturday, August 3rd. The commentary will be recorded and will normally be viewed as part of the February 2025 meeting. Members may attend the judging session and listen to the commentary for $20. The discussion between the two should be constructive. 

Dinner with the judges:

You are invited to join us for dinner on Saturday night following the judging. You will be responsible for paying for your own meal.   


There will be nine awards at the show.  As always, we award a trophy to the tree judged by Chris as Best in Show.  This year we have added ribbons for second and third place and five Honorable Mention ribbons.  Finally, everyone viewing the show is allowed to vote for their favorite tree.  The tree with the most votes receives a trophy as the “People’s Choice” winner.  Typically, we acknowledge the top ten vote-getters in that voting! 

Pick up:

Trees must be picked up after 4:30 PM on Sunday. Again, let us know if you need special arrangements.

How can you help make the show a success?

While not required, contacting Craig to let him know how many trees you plan to display, both in the judged portion of the show and on the Trees in Training tables is very helpful.  This allows us to plan and ensure adequate room for all members who want to participate. 

Also, we always need members to volunteer to talk to the visitors to the show, both at the Membership table and in the Sycamore Room.  There are always additional tasks to be handled, and help needed.  If you want to volunteer to help, make the show successful, please contact Volunteer Coordinator Susan Andrese (contact information below).

Contact Craig and Susan with any questions.  Thanks for participating.  This event is always fun!