Featured Tree – May 2021


Type: Bougainvillea, named for a French navigator, is a native of Brazil and is grown extensively in the warmer climates of the United States. It is a member of the Nyctaginaceae family.
Bougainvillea is an evergreen vine that is just as happy, spreading horizontally or hanging downwards as climbing upwards. It makes itself at home in almost any situation.
Bougainvillea is ideal for bonsai. Red, violet, orange, yellow or white bracts appear on the ends of new growth.
Available in nurseries and from bonsai specialty growers. They flower most heavily in winter and early spring, but some plants put forth scattered clusters all year.
The colors are found in tones of purple, lavender, carmine, scarlet, red, pink, orange, yellow, and white. The colorful, papery “blooms” are not flowers; they are bracts. The true flower is white, trumpet-shaped, and almost unnoticeable within the bracts.
Bougainvilleas are available in a variety of species, each having its unique characteristics.
Style: All styles except formal upright. There is a discrepancy as to the appropriateness in Broom or Literati styles.
Summer Placement: Bougainvillea loves sunlight and can be exposed to full sun.
Winter Placement: These are warm-weather plants and must be brought indoors in the winter. The minimum temperature is 45F (7C).
Watering: Daily in summer, often and regularly. Reduce watering in winter after brought indoors.
Feeding: After flowering and in autumn, feed with slow-acting organic fertilizer every two weeks. Alternate liquid and solid fertilizer. (Samson, 134)
Wiring: Wire lignified branches and leave on for no more than three to five months. (Samson)
Pruning: Do not prune roots too much—no more than half. Pruning to shape the crown can be done at any time. Keep in mind that Bougainvillea flower from tips of new growth. (Giorgi 12)
Repotting Season: Every two to three years in spring.
Soil Mix: 70% organic and 30% inorganic mix.
Container: Can use glazed or ornamental pot. Keep the colors the tree will display when choosing a pot.