Yuzu is a type of winter-hardy Japanese citrus tree (read more about It in this article: https://prairiestatebonsai.com/tree-of-the-month-march-2023/). It is very similar to lemon trees. Since the plants are so rare and impossible to purchase in the USA, I decided to grow my own!

I purchased a Yuzu fruit imported from Japan at the local Japanese supermarket. I sliced it open and began to extract the seeds. Having read an article online previously on how to grow citrus from seeds, I did a test of completely removing the skin of the seeds (there is a slimy layer on each seed) and a few leaving that skin on.

Once the seeds were cleaned up, I wet a paper towel. I placed the folded wet paper towel into a Ziplock bag, then put the seeds between the folds of damp paper. I sealed the bags and taped them to a window. It is recommended that you do this in the winter so the seeds have time to go through a colder cycle before sprouting.

After waiting a few months, I rechecked the seeds to see if they had started to grow roots and leaves! It was time to take them out of the bags! Taking the little sprouts, I placed them into bonsai soil in a training basket. I kept the seeds out of direct sunlight and in semi-shade all summer. I brought them in for winter and kept them under the grow lights.

Once summer came, they were taken outside, and once July hit, they were repotted into smaller individual containers and placed in the sun after 3 weeks in the shade. I now have at least 8 Yuzu baby trees ready! These trees are scarce, and you won’t find them in nurseries! If members are interested in purchasing one of these babies before winter sets in, please contact me! Check out the sale listing on the club’s sales page! https://prairiestatebonsai.com/trees-for-sale/

Article by Katlin