Helpful Hints from our Members

This column is about the quirky, out-of-the-box little things we do that help us pursue our beloved hobby. Each month, depending on how many ideas I receive from you, our members, we will print a couple of them. If it helps you, others may find it useful too. You may do something with your tools, wintering or exhuming your trees in the spring, getting ready for a show, your pots, or general maintenance. Anything that helps you with some facet of bonsai. We all read about how to do something in general but never hear about the little extras they have found that make it easier for them.        

If you have any quirky, out-of-the-box, left-field things you do that help you, please send them to me at; You can also submit any photos you think may help. Also, let me know if using your name, full or only first, is okay for credit.

To start things off…I received this from our president, Craig. He called it quirky; I call it brilliant!

Craig says, “This is how I store my hardy trees for winter in my wife’s garden. I wrap a piece of lawn fabric (after cutting halfway through) around each tree and secure it with a lawn staple. Then when I bury the pot, I put some dirt on top. All the dirt comes off in the spring when I remove the lawn fabric, so I am not getting garden dirt into my bonsai soil. Lawn fabric does allow water to penetrate.

I have always been concerned that the cold air would freeze the roots if the bonsai soil were exposed to the air because the soil is so porous. Not sure if the concern is valid, but I have used this system for nine winters without problems.”

I am trying something similar to Craig this year. See my photos below. I think it will work well. I will let you all know in the Spring when I take out my hardies.

Photo 4

And from me:  This one is quirky… My tropicals are all under the lights in my furnace room. I use a turkey baster I picked up at the dollar store (yes, I paid a whole dollar for it) to water my little trees and starters. It also helps me reach some of my back trees that I cannot get to since my area is 4′ deep x 15′.

Again, if you have any help or suggestions to share that make bonsai easier for you…submit it with any photos you think may help, to me, at

Have a great holiday,
