July 2021 Message from the President

President’s Message for July 2021

Things are starting to happen!

We will have a picnic this year. It will be on Sunday, August 1st, from 8 AM to 5 PM at Cantigny Park. Details will follow. We need, firstly, for members to come to the picnic. Secondly, we will need for at least a few members to volunteer to help out. We will send out a sign up email in a week or so. Further details will ensue.

The board is now looking for places to hold actual, physical, in-the-flesh meetings. The College of DuPage is not planning to rent out rooms to groups like ours until next year. If you know of some place that rents out rooms, has easy access, and costs $70-$80 dollars for an evening, please let us know at prairiestatebonsai@gmail.com. We’d like to have at least a couple of meetings before the end of the year.

Lastly, make sure to reserve next Wednesday evening, July 7th, for our July Zoom meeting. David Cutchin is a tropical bonsai expert. And now is the time of year to work on your tropical trees.

Dean Cooper