May 2021 Message from the President

My message this month is mainly announcements.

We will have a picnic this year!

We will do the garden walks with Midwest Bonsai again!

Details for these are below in a special events announcement from Nick DiBattista, our vice-president of special events.

Lastly, our meeting on May 5th, 2021, at 7 PM, will feature a Zoom presentation by long-time member Linda Camp.  Show will be showing us how to create a pre-bonsai from another tree by a process called air layering.

Air layering is a very useful tool. Got a tree that’s gone too leggy, but it has wonderful bark and branches?  Air layering can let you shorten the trunk by preserving the upper bark and branching.  Got a tree in your yard, maybe a nice dwarf Japanese maple?  You can use air layering to turn a nice side branch into a bonsai.

Therefore, make sure to be at the meeting!

-Dean Cooper


Prairie State Bonsai Society