August is definitely Bonsai month in the Chicago area
The Prairie State Bonsai Society’s show at the Destination Asia Festival hosted annually by The Morton Arboretum in Lisle is scheduled for August 4, 5, and 6, 2023.
On Thursday, August 3rd, we will be setting up tables and displays in the Sycamore Room in the Arb’s Visitor Center. On Friday, starting around noon, we will be accepting trees brought by members for display in the show, and the show will be open for a preview by Arboretum members and visitors from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM. Afterward, we will have the judging and critique of the trees by our guest judge, Mark Fields.
Saturday and Sunday, August 5th and 6th, will include multiple events, with the show open from 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM each day, six scheduled workshops on various topics, and demonstrations for the attendees at the Festival to be held in the courtyard at 10:00 AM and 2:30 PM each day. We plan to take Mark out for dinner on Saturday after the show, and interested members are welcome to join us. You will be responsible for the cost of your own dinner. If interested, call Nick DiBattista (information shown below).
The bonsai show at the Arb is always a fun event to participate in, talking to the attendees and answering their questions about the trees on display. Do not worry if you are fairly new to bonsai, as the questions asked are almost certainly ones you can answer. The most common question is, “How old is this tree?” and we generally answer with some variation of the art of bonsai to make even young trees look old.
As discussed last month, use the next couple of days to identify a tree or two that you would like to show to the visitors at the Festival. It may be a tree that has already been refined. It may be a tree with that obvious something that caught your eye but is not quite as refined as you want and more appropriate for the ‘Trees in Training” tables. Find an accent plant to display. We have a limited supply of stands for trees if you do not have one.
Questions or ready to volunteer? Please call our Special Events Director, Nick DiBattista at 630-479-2112. Nick will also have a volunteer sign-up sheet available at the August General Membership meeting.
I can guarantee that you will have fun!
Midwest Bonsai Society 45th Annual Mid-America Bonsai Exhibition
As usual, our friends and colleagues at Midwest have their bonsai exhibition at Chicago Botanic Garden just two weeks after our show. On Friday, August 18th, the hours will be 12 Noon to 5:00 PM. Saturday, August 19th, and Sunday, August 20th, will be from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Vendors include PSBS stalwarts Linda Camp and Jim Beck of BC Bonsai; Mark Fields, the judge at our show; Lill Tarnow, daughter of long-time PSBS member Fred Tarnow; Andy Smith of Golden Arrow Bonsai; and many other friends of PSBS.
The judge for the Midwest show will be Bjorn Bjorholm, who has taught many of our members, past and present.
September PSBS General Membership Meeting
Due to the Labor Day holiday, the September meeting will be pushed back one week to the second Wednesday of the month. Please mark your calendar for the meeting on September 13th.
It is an embarrassment of riches in the Chicagoland world of bonsai during August. We hope to see you at the next General Membership meeting on August 2nd!