It is Party Time!
On Wednesday, December 6th, we will have our Christmas Party at the usual time but at a new venue. Larry Magee has volunteered to host the party at his home in Wayne, located just south of Army Trail Road, West of IL Route 59 and East of IL Route 25. More details about the location are elsewhere in the newsletter.
As we have for decades, we will have a White Elephant exchange for those who bring a wrapped present, preferably related to bonsai and still in usable shape. We expect stealing gifts from one another after they are opened. It is always a fun time.
This is our opportunity to have an enjoyable and informal party with our bonsai friends and to celebrate a year with many accomplishments. We all hope to see you there!
2024 Election
As mentioned previously, the terms of the current officers of PSBS are coming to an end in March 2024. The March meeting will include an election of officers to lead the society ahead from March 2024 to March 2026.
In accordance with the By-Laws, I have appointed a Nominating Committee consisting of Jim Beck, chairperson, with members Badar Zulqarni, Char Field, and me to find candidates for all positions to be elected in March. We hope to find some people with fresh views and suggestions to continue to move the club forward during the upcoming two years.
If you are interested in learning more, and may be willing to volunteer some of your time to make the club better, please talk to any of the committee members, or any other current Board member.
No January Meeting
There will not be any General Membership meeting at the College of DuPage in January. We will have a Board Meeting on January 9, 2024 to plan for the February General Membership meeting, scheduled for February 7, 2024.
I am looking forward to seeing you next week at the Christmas Party. Have a great Holiday Season, ready to hit the ground running when we meet again in February.