Dear Members,
Our general meeting on May 15, 2024, featuring world-renowned Bonsai Master Mauro Stemberger, was a tremendous success, with a great turnout from both Prairie State and Midwest Bonsai Society members. In a remarkably short time, Mauro styled two trees: Larry Magee and Mark Karczewski assisted by wiring the spruce tree, while Mauro focused on styling and wiring the Scots pine. Both trees turned out exceptionally well.
For the raffle, the first winner had the option to choose between the two trees and opted for the Scots Pine.
I extend my sincere gratitude to Larry Magee for arranging Mauro Stemberger’s demonstration of his masterful skills. Additionally, a big thank you to both Larry Magee and Mark Karczewski for their help in styling the spruce tree in such a short timeframe.
Looking ahead, Craig Cronquist is diligently preparing for our upcoming special events. We have the Picnic at Cantigny on June 30, 2024, and the Destination Asia Show at Morton Arboretum in August 2024. I strongly encourage all members to attend both events. Bring a couple of your trees to display, enjoy the picnic, and seek advice from senior members on tree care and styling. We will also need volunteers at the Destination Asia Show to guide visitors and answer general questions.
Thank you all for your continued support and involvement. Let’s keep nurturing our passion for bonsai and sharing it with the world.
Best Regards,
Badar Zulqarni
President, Prairie State Bonsai Society