President’s message June 2022


For two years, we have hoped to return to “normal,” and we are finally almost there, hoping it continues. For June, we are returning to one of our favorite types of PSBS meetings, the workshop. In the past, we have done crabapple and yew workshops.

Here are the details:

For many years the Society has maintained a Grow Plot with trees meant to be used for demonstrations and workshops. We have twelve boxwoods that were recovered from a hedge many years ago (urban yamadori) and are offered for sale at the June 8th General Membership Meeting. The price is a very reasonable $30 each. 

Trees will be displayed before the meeting begins. Everyone who buys a tree will pick a number to determine the sequence of choosing your tree, so remember that you may want to have a second and third choice in case someone chooses your favorite before you. Bring your bonsai tools if you have them. We ask the more experienced members to bring their tool rolls in case some newer members need to borrow a tool. Jennifer Price, our Programs Director, will run the workshop. Jennifer has developed an international reputation as a bonsai artist. If you want to purchase a tree, you can reserve one by emailing

We have scheduled our annual picnic at Cantigny for Sunday, June 26th, from 10 am to 5 pm. The Society will provide burgers, hot dogs, and drinks. Members are asked to bring side dishes and share if they feel comfortable. Phil Malhiot will give a demonstration at 2 pm. Bring a tree or two to display. This event received a lot of attention and interest from the public last year. We had a great time. Hope to see you there!

A committee continues to work on revising the Society’s by-laws. We hope to present the proposed new version to the membership at the July meeting and vote on them at the August General Membership Meeting. There will be a very brief business meeting before the workshop on June 8th to review upcoming events.
