President’s Message May 2022

My name is Craig Cronquist.  I am the new president of the Society for the next two years.

My bonsai journey began with a trip to Chicago Botanic Garden in May 2012 on the weekend, which happened to be the Midwest Bonsai Society’s show.  I asked a couple of questions of a member in an apron walking among the displayed trees, and he told me, “They have bonsai classes here at CBG.”  I signed up, and in August, I started taking classes with Ivan Watters, then the curator of the CBG bonsai collection.  In 2013, I joined PSBS after having it recommended by Ivan and Jim, and Linda of BC Bonsai, who I met at the August CBG show.  Fast forward nine years, and here I am.

The following two years will certainly be challenging as the Board seeks to rebuild the club after losing two years to the pandemic.  We had begun a project to revise the By-Laws, which have not been updated since 1994, when PSBS was created after seven years as the Morton Arboretum Bonsai Society.   Of greatest importance to all of us on the Board is to present interesting and engaging programs for the members, both new and old.  We have had two successful in-person meetings so far, and in May, we will restart Bonsai 101 to present helpful information on fertilization techniques, particularly for some of the newer members of the club; followed by a presentation on pot selection, information which should be valuable and interesting to both old and new members. 

The most important factor to remember is that this is your club.  It exists to help you in your bonsai journey, no matter what level you are at.  We strive to provide useful information, whether you do not own any trees, just a few trees, or too many to count. We want to hear your ideas about programs and activities which may interest you. We also have many opportunities for you to become involved as an active participant during this year. If you want to send feedback or ideas to the Board of Directors, talk to me or any other Board member at a meeting, send an email to, or call me at 630-244-0155. 

We are going to have a great year!
