President’s Message, October 2021

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Our Prairie State Bonsai Society board has decided to play it on the safe side and continue having our monthly meetings via Zoom. The previously announced meeting on Oct. 6th, at the College of DuPage, has been canceled.  We will send out an email in the next few days announcing what the topic of our Oct. 6th meeting will be.

Our November meeting, our last meeting of the year, will also be via Zoom.

Don’t be discouraged by not having a physical meeting to attend. Our Zoom meetings have been quite informative. You can ask questions and make comments, via the chat button. You can attend via phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop. You can turn on your microphone and be heard. If you have a camera, you can be seen and heard.

By all reports, our presentation at Morton Arboretum’s one-day Asian Festival, this past Saturday, was a great success. We were positioned right near the main entrance, under tents. Attendees had to pass by us to get to most of the rest of the show.

The less formal setup seems to have brought about a greater interest. Most of the trees were not finished show trees and the setup was much less formal. But, the setup seemed to encourage more interest and questions. The trees were trees that a bonsai beginner could do. Lots of questions were asked by passersby.

The club thanks everybody who volunteered to help out at the show.

Dean Cooper