Things to do in April 2022



This is a very busy month for the bonsai grower. The trees can be taken out of winter storage once the temperatures remain above 30 degrees at night (do you remember the last time the temperatures were below 30 degrees at night?). Once the trees leaf out they will need to be watered more often. The rising temperatures will increase the need for water.

Fertilization can begin but be careful that it does not contain excessive nitrogen. Too much nitrogen during spring growth can cause the leaves to become too large. Be careful adding or removing wire while the buds are expanding and the new growth is lengthening. These tissues are very delicate and could easily be knocked off by wiring work.

This is the prime season for repotting. Hopefully, you have your pots and soil ready so that you can begin as the trees signal their readiness. It is best to begin repotting just before the new growth expands. When the buds begin to swell this is a good time to repot. If the tree is going back into the same pot, clean the pot’s inside before placing the tree back into it.

Once a tree has been repotted it will need to be kept in a warm, sheltered location. Direct midday sun or strong winds can hinder the tree’s ability to recover from transplanting. Cold temperatures will inhibit new root growth and this will also prolong the recovery. Wetting the foliage occasionally can help if the tree has had substantial root pruning. Indoor: It is still too cold outside to move these trees outdoors.


trees will also begin to use more water as the days lengthen and temperatures warm up. Fertilization can occur with trees in all indoor situations; windowsill, under lights, etc. The trees may be pruned and wired as needed. It is too early to repot these trees. It is better to do this in the summer.

This is also the perfect time to renew your membership if you haven’t done so yet.  This will prevent your email box from filling up with ‘pay your dues’ reminders.


Editor. (Vol. XVI, Number 3, April 2009). Things To Do This Month. Bonsai Hai . Prairie State Bonsai Society. Owen, Gordon (1990). The Bonsai Identifier. Secaucus, New Jersey: Quintet Publishing Ltd. Samson, I. & Samson, R. (1986). The Creative Art of Bonsai. London: Ward Lock Ltd. Tomlinsaon, Harry (1995). RD Home Handbooks Bonsai. Pleasantville, N.Y.: Reader’s Digest Association, Inc. Smith, Andrew.